Thursday 5 November 2009

Bits of Psychology - Ego and Learning

Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, shares some of his research and insights in this video 9 Ways to Take Your Site from One to One Million Users.

The first point he makes is about Ego. He hits the nail on the head when he asks us to consider whether what we offer does anything to increase users' self-worth. There is much research to support this. This is good business practice and has much to do with user uptake of any offering. I think we should keep this in mind when we develop learning resources or any programme in which learner participation is crucial. In order to develop engaging and effective learning, we need to connect with learners and cultivate learning dispositions. He examines the Twitter story and why Followers work and how simple rewards and perks can make all the difference. Definitely worth thinking about in this world where the locus of control in education and training is now shifting and learning is a social activity. You can read a little bit more about psychology and understanding the people you design for here, How to Understand Your Users with Personas.