Sunday, 9 June 2013

Feel the Fear and Keep Going

Have you ever felt the fear? And held back because of it? Fear holds you back, and keeps you voiceless. It keeps you in a state of subjugation.

For any change, for any quantum leap to happen, for any people to be liberated, for any group fighting for justice, for any bird leaving the nest,  fear is a given. Read here about the suffragettes - the amazing, courageous, wonderful women who fought valiantly for privileges considered a birth right today, and how they also felt the fear. 

The reason we enjoy some of our rights today is that they despite the fear, they kept going.
“The dearth of women in public life today is often attributed to a lack of confidence, and the suffragettes sometimes struggled with this too. Margaret Wynne Nevinson, an avid campaigner, once wrote she felt a "dizzy sickness of terror" the first time she stood up to speak publicly, outside a gasworks in south London in 1906. There were shouts of derision as hundreds of men crowded around her, and she almost succumbed to stage fright before hearing a voice whisper: "Go it, old gal, you're doing fine, give it 'em."”

Here’s a World of Happy clip to help you make the leap. So what’re you waiting for?

Feel the Fear, but don't let it stop you. Just. Keep. Going.